Welcome To 
New Life for Community !

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Who we are

New Life for Community (NLC) is alocal Non–governmental organization initiated by individuals of good will with the support of five volunteers. NLC encourages and supports people to improve their personal, social and economic wellbeing. NLC works closely with the communities and the local government structures. It was established in 2004 and registered under charity and societies Agency in 2005 at federal level in Ethiopia. Currently the NLC encompasses two administrative zones these are; east shoazone-Adama City and Jimma zone-Jimma town and Agaro village through expanding the organizational programs.

Our Vison

To see transformed society that is able to take responsibility and accountability fortheir social and economic well being.

Our Mission

• Help to stop harmful traditional practices
• Promote unity and team work for youth groups.
• Bring up an empowered and growing responsible society.
• Unite the street children with their families and join school.
• Help the street children todiscover their talents and abilities.
• Rehabilitate prisoners from unwanted behavioral and social disorders. 
• Enhance the skills of people for improved production and productivity and living quality.

Our Goal

Contribute to integral human development through ensuring the socio economic well-being of the society in Social & Development works.


Photo events in New Life for Community Ethiopia.

Our Team

of educational materials for school children 

2016 Beneficiaries

provision of educational materials

equipment for prisoners 



What we Do

New Life for Community aims on women,childrens and youth 

  • Orphan, street children and children with disabilities supported
    and their life is improved

    Providedawareness to stockholders (women and children affairs, labor and social affairs, city administration office,religious leaders and kebele leaders) on how to protect orphans, street children and children with disabilities in each year at zonal and woreda level.

  • The living conditions of
    Unemployed youth and prisoners improved

    - Provided skill training for unemployed
    youth like; metal, wood work, hair dressing and computer.
    - Organized in micro enterprise system  and provided startup capital for each group and started to deal their life.
    -Provided training on HIV/AIDS, substance addiction and sanitation for 46 prison staff
    and 600 prisoners.

  • The socio-economic status of Girls and women is improved

    - Provided awareness for female and their
    parents on gender equality and to prevent violence against women.
    - Established 3 women associations with 50 members at Kebele and Woreda level respectively.

  • Download PowerPoint Presentation

    New Life for Community Urban Destitute Support project progress to date
    - New Life for Community (NLC) is a local Nongovernmental organization initiated by individuals of good will with the support of five volunteers.

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     Of Our

Our Members


Founder of NLC for Ethiopia

Contact Us

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!